

Chicago's the third most populous city in the United States, after New York City and Los Angeles. With 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in both the U.S. state of Illinois and the Midwestern United States. Its metropolitan area, sometimes called Chicagoland, is home to 9.9 million people and is the third-largest in the United States. Chicago is the seat of Cook County.

Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed, and experienced rapid growth in the mid-nineteenth century. today, the city is an international hub for finance, commerce, industry, technology, telecommunications, and transportation, with O'Hare International Airport being the busiest airport in the world; it also has the largest number of U.S. highways and railroad freight entering its region.  In 2012, Chicago was listed as an alpha global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, and ranks seventh in the world in the 2014 Global Cities Index. As of 2012, Chicago had the third largest gross metropolitan product in the United States, after the New York City and Los Angeles metropolitan areas, at a sum of US$571 billion.

In 2012, Chicago hosted 46.37 million international and domestic visitors, an overall visitation record. Chicago's culture includes contributions to the visual arts, novels, film, theater, especially improvisational comedy, and music, particularly jazz, blues, soul, and the creation of house music. The city has many nicknames, which reflect the impressions and opinions about historical and contemporary Chicago. The best-known include the "Windy City" and "Second City". Chicago has professional sports teams in each of the major professional leagues.


Tourism in Philippines

Young seeks to discover what's new around us. They are also seeking to travel to change and new and to learn about different cultures. While some of them find low-budget. They can overcome this through the enjoyment of life and travel. Here is a beautiful tourist places in the Philippines for young people to low-income people. Including visits to Hawaii and the Philippines as the Asian destination that overlooked a lot in spite of that indescribable beauty that deserves attention. There is an archipelago of 7,000 islands with natural wonders that will allow you the opportunity to explore.
Tourist places in the Philippines for youth
1. Promised islands in the archipelago
If you were hoping to see the magnificent natural beauty. You can explore this beautiful islands in the archipelago. Enjoy these islands as one of the peaceful islands of the archipelago in the north color. It's one of the few tropical paradises on earth. And still undiscovered beaches.

2. Wild horse area
Wild horse in Sagada area is remote area of ​​the island. Is home to hundreds of wild horses. To access this site. You have to be ready to trip the dense tropical forests - to enjoy a pleasant experience if you love nature.

3. Avogaw. Of UNESCO World Heritage sites
You can not access Avogaw village in northern Luzon during the long path. Though. It is an amazing area on the gentle slope of the rice terraces in the center of the high mountains. It is of impressive sites. Which has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

4. Hills National Monument chocolate from Bohol
Hills National Monument chocolate is where geological located in Bohol province in the Visayas region. Contains a set of 75 island or so. National Park is famous for its hundreds of exotic hills that resemble the animation. With all the slopes and few asymmetric. The rise of no more than 100 meters or so from the surrounding land and flat. Chocolate Hills is a term that comes from the appearance of distant hills.

5. Puerto Princesa
Puerto Princesa is a national park in Sabang Palawan. Extends about 15 miles from the city of the same name. Have been selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of the world of nature in 2012. It was the highlight of the park from the underground river. It is a river that runs along the caves without interruption. And extends over large distances. You can explore the mysterious river in boats guided tours. You can also get a hearing range of underground waterfalls.

6. Swimming with whale sharks
You can see the whale sharks in Oslob in Cebu and Donsol southeast of Luzon. Despite its name scary. But the sharks and giant whale giant creature is nice to eat plankton. You can enjoy a short day trip on a boat in the sea to dive with these magnificent creatures.

7. Surigao
Surigao is a beautiful area in the island of Mindanao. It is part of the Philippines, which has a great natural beauty. There Enchanted River Falls Tinuy Here you can enjoy some of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Philippines.

8. Boracay Island
Boracay is a small island in the Philippines and the West. The emerald green waters of the stunning, and the place which offers excellent nightlife.

9. The highest volcano
The Philippines is a country of the volcano - has dozens of volcanoes underlying the various islands. Even the capital, Manila.

Hello us your You can spend happy times always


North America is one of the seven continents of the world and is located west of Greenwich line in the northern half of the world. Its most important north-south Canada, the USA and Mexico. Bordered to the north of the Arctic Oceanand from the west and south-west Pacificand from the eastern Atlantic Oceanand from the south-eastern Caribbean Sea.

An area of about 25 million square kilometersor 4.8% of the total floor space of the balland is the third largest continent in the worldIn 2002, a population of almost 514 million people, placing fourth in the standings after the Asian continent and the African and European in terms of population census.

Historians are likely to name the two continents of the Americas due to the Italian merchant Americo Vespucciand is the first European to propose that the two continents are not the Indian sub-continent as it was thought the Europeans in that period (including explorer Christopher Columbus), but rather a whole new world.
South America site

South America is one of the continents of the New World is located in the western section of Greenwich line, mostly in the southern hemisphereGoing through the equator in the northern parts of TbyryraaNamed after Amerigo Vespucci's first explorer suggested that the new world's land is not the East IndiaIts most important Argentina and Brazil. It is bordered to the east of the Atlantic Ocean to the west of the Pacific North Fathdha North America and the Caribbean, is bounded on the south, the confluence of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as Antarctica.

The total area of the continent 17,818,508 km 2 (3.5% of the Earth's surface). In 2005, its population is estimated at 371 million people. Be ranked fourth in the continent in terms of area (after AsiaAfricaand North Americaand fifth in terms of population (after AsiaAfricaEuropeand North America).




Dortmund, Germany

Five most important landmarks in Dortmund, Germany

Five most important landmarks in Dortmund, Germany
The city is characterized by charming nature green leafy and rare plants, and the most important landmarks
Signal Diana Park Stadium

It is a wonderful historic stadium easier for you to access it from the city center, and features a large yellow wall writes it own memories Palmaajabin difference in it, and you can enjoy a wonderful when you sit in any seat from the stadium seats.

Garden and Satphalan Park West fallen park

Place breathtaking nature charming the magnificent trees, where you can enjoy seeing cottages old German rural areas, and enjoy meals German famous listen to the old legendary German stories, it's a great park for the family, and in the middle of the tower is located within easy reach him and from which you can watch the unique view of the place his image, complete the picturesque, as you can stroll beside the boats frequenting public lakes in the city.

Tower Florsan Florin Tower

Enjoy the tower to see the wonderful stadium, where you can see the stadium if you're a lover of football while dining at the restaurant in the tower ring, as you can enjoy seeing the gardens and charming sunset.

West Industrial Valley Museum Westphalia Museum of Industry

The museum is located in the north of the Rhine, which is a huge industrial complex by the Old coal mine and coking plant, and provided the most beautiful place is the children's area of ​​the mine, the original motor.


Is one of the historic archaeological sites in Dortmund, where churches and buildings filled with the wonderful style of architecture There are also the many cafes and shops Net diversified business, The place makes you feel Balametzaj between the values ​​in an innovative and modern organization.




Hurghada gained its name from the tree Algrdq ,  which grows in abundance in this region. was the fishermen come from the Arabian Peninsula and meet when trees Algrkd. The confluence of fishermen point after the completion of fishing when Algrkd tree with a significant rise. There was at that time a continuous frequency of a specific phrase "when we meet Algrkd", including the recently derived the name of Hurghada. [citation needed] were constructed recreational break in the position of the tree of King Farouk . After nationalization in the era of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, this building has become the club 's armed forces for water sports, and signed now before the Tourist Information Centre in the city.
The city's history is very short, there is no any traces or temples or mention of this city in ancient Egyptian history . Hurghada was a meeting place for fishermen coming from the Arabian Peninsula tribes Alaghinh and Rashaida and Almezh, and the city at the time were not only a set of primitive houses was inhabited by nomads, stationed mainly in the area of the scaffold. The work of the region's population in fishing and dried , and hunting pearls .
Oil was discovered in the area in 1913, and began production economic for export wells Hurghada in 1921. The oils English Aabar Egyptian Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of the group Shell Global )  of the first companies that started in oil production in this region. Hurghada production totaled oil from the date of discovery to 1996 (41.448 million barrels). Although production has been significantly reduced transfer a large number of workers to Ras Gharib fields and the company in Sinai such as Ras Sidr , leaving only a limited number of workers until 1954 to exceed the number of 40 workers. With a drop in oil production Hurghada Services adopted as the capital of the province.

Sheraton Hurghada Hotel opened in 1963
Tourism has remained in the individual period for fans of the sea. King Farouk much break saw of Visits King where he hunting trips, and after the revolution turned into a break for Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, who purchased the seven fishing boats were distributed to fishermen was establishment of an association for fishermen take over providing services to them and control the sale of fish from fishermen Company fisheries. Hotel opened Sheraton Hurghada in 1963 -klv million pounds Tgariba- by Sheraton International Company was converted from oil production to tourism Vsdor Ministerial Decree No. 70 of 1964 as the Red Sea Province tourist but I stayed Hurghada in reliance on the fishing industry and to provide services and the center point to maintain the various administrative and directorates have been established Srbacks fish factory and company marketing of fish and tourism remained limited at the Sheraton Hotel and Mermaid. 
The early eighties saw a huge surge in tourism.  The Working Youssef Afifi The first to launch Hurghada development projects to be converted into a tourist city.




  1. London, England’s capital, set on the River Thames, is a 21st-century city with history stretching back to Roman times. At its centre stand the imposing Houses of Parliament, the iconic ‘Big Ben’ clock tower and Westminster Abbey, site of British monarch coronations. Across the Thames, the London Eye observation wheel provides panoramic views of the South Bank cultural complex, and the entire city.

Smit London Fog in because they were out of date using wood for energy before the Industrial Revolution and before the use of coal and to the nature of burning wood, which produces smoke a lot and with the presence of natural fog in the winter of mixed wood smoke with natural fog resulting thick smoke and polluted even lacking vision and then After the use of coal it different.

Called "Fog City":

Smit London Fog in because they were using old wood energy before the Industrial Revolution and before the use of coal and wood to the nature of combustion, which produces a lot of smoke and with the presence of natural fog in the winter

Of mixed with natural wood smoke haze resulting thick smoke and polluted even lacking vision and then after the use of coal disagree with it .... And this is why the call Fog City ...

Why was it called the city "London" this name:

London name has many meanings and events are the reason for this is the closest but the reason that I read about him, is that it is one of the ancient kings of Britain was named King Lud, and was looking for a place in the Kingdom

To put the British capital and found that the privileged place is near the River Thames, and called the city's name became known in his time (King Lud), and after his death contracts changed the city's name and became known as

(Kerlod), then to the (Kirloddin) and then to (Ludin) and finally to (Lundin), or as we call London



Marsilia (în franceză Marseille, occitană Marselha) este al doilea cel mai mare oraș din Franța. Situată pe coasta Mediteranei, în vechea Provența (Provenza în italiană, în franceză Provence, Provença în occitană), este cel mai mare port comercial al țării. Marsilia este prefectura departamentului Bouches-du-Rhône și capitala regiunii Provence-Alpi-Coasta de Azur.

Are o populație de 820.900 locuitori (2004), care ajunge la peste 1.550.000 în aglomerarea urbană Marsilia-Aix-en-Provence.

A fost fondată de greci în secolul VII î.Hr. A trecut în subordinea romanilor în 49 î.Hr. Vechiul nume grecesc e Massilía, de la Mασα (citit masa), ce înseamnă "jertfă"

Marsilia a fost evanghelizată începând cu secolul I. Potrivit legendei, predicator ar fi fost Lazăr, Marta și Maria, cei trei frați prieteni ai lui Iisus Hristos.

În secolul IV se stabilește la Marsilia monahul Sfântul Ioan Casian, de origine din Dobrogea, și pune pe picioare monahismul galic. Acesta s-a născut în anul 365 într-o așezare situată la gurile Dunării. A fost călugăr la Betleem, călugăr pelerin în Egipt, diacon la biserica St. Ioan Gurădeaur în Constantinopole, preot la Roma. În primăvara anului 416, el ajunge la Marsilia și se stabilește acolo. Construiște o criptă peste mormintele a doi martiri pentru a sărbători Euharistia. Era un obicei al Bisericii să alăture sărbătoarea Sacrificiului lui Iisus cu sărbătoarea sacrificiului celor care au murit pentru El, iar mormintele pe care se ține slujba erau întotdeauna ale unor martiri. Absida acestei cripte a dispărut, cripta fiind modificată în secolul al XIII-lea, însă din perioada paleocreștină au rămas numeroase urme ale venerării: stâlpi decorați, sculpturi, încrustații ca figuri biblice, monograme ale lui Iisus. Sfântul Casian a murit în anul 435.




Rome or Romans ( in Italian : Roma) is the capital of Italy and the municipality and major city in the country and the most populous with more than 2.7 million people scattered on the 1,285.3 km 2. The city is located in the western central part of the Italian peninsula , on the River Tiber in the territory of Lazio Italian.
It extends the history of Rome to two thousand and five hundred years. The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Romania and is one of the places the birth of Western civilization and the Republic of Romania and the Romanian Empire , the dominant power in Western Europe and the lands bordering the Mediterranean for more than 700 years since the first century BC to the seventh century. Since the first century AD and the Rome headquarters of the papacy and after the end of the domination of the Byzantine in the eighth century, became the capital of the Papal States , which lasted until 1870. In 1871, Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy , and then the capital of the Italian Republic in 1946.
After the Middle Ages , the rule of Rome, popes such as Alexander VI and Leo X and who have turned the city into one of the main centers of the era of Italian Renaissance along with Florence .  built St. Peter's Basilica and the current decorated Sistine Church at the hands of Michelangelo . He resided famous artists and architects such as Bramante and Bernini and Raphael for some time in Rome, and contributed to the renaissance architecture and Baroque .
Classified Rome by search global cities network and globalization in 2010 a cosmopolitan city Beta degree + ,  as well as being the city 28 in terms of global importance.  In 2007, Rome was the city's eleventh most visited in the world, and the third most visited in the European Union and more attractive cities tourist in Italy.  and one city of the most successful "," European labels both in terms of reputation or assets. The historic city center is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.  The monuments and museums such as the Museum The Vatican and the Colosseum are among the 50 most tourist destination to visit in the world (receiving the Vatican Museums 4.2 million tourists and the Colosseum four million tourists a year). hosted the Rome cycle Summer Olympic Games of 1960 is currently seeking to host the Summer Olympics in 2020 


Alexandria The Best


Alexandria (/ˌælɪɡˈzændrɪə/ or /ˌælɪɡˈzɑːndrɪə اسكندريةpronounced [eskendeˈrejjæ] in Egyptian Arabic) is thesecond largest city and a major economic centre in Egypt, extending about 32 km (20 mi) along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the north central part of the country. It is also the largest city lying directly on the Mediterranean coast. Alexandria is Egypt's largest seaport, serving approximately 80% of Egypt's imports and exports. It is an important industrial center because of its natural gas and oil pipelines from Suez. Alexandria is also an important tourist resort.
Alexandria was founded around a small Ancient Egyptian town c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great. It became an important center of the Hellenistic civilization and remained the capital of Hellenistic and Roman & Byzantine Egypt for almost 1000 years until theMuslim conquest of Egypt in AD 641, when a new capital was founded at Fustat (later absorbed into Cairo). Hellenistic Alexandria was best known for the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; its Great Library (the largest in the ancient world; now replaced by a modern one); and the Necropolis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. Ongoing maritime archaeology in the harbor of Alexandria, which began in 1994, is revealing details of Alexandria both before the arrival of Alexander, when a city named Rhacotis existed there, and during the Ptolemaic dynasty.
From the late 18th century, Alexandria became a major center of the international shipping industry and one of the most important trading centers in the world, both because it profited from the easy overland connection between the Mediterranean Sea and theRed Sea, and the lucrative trade in Egyptian cotton. Alexandria was the second most powerful ecity of the ancient world afterRome


Abu Dhabi City

Abu Dhabi City

Abu Dhabi City (pronounced locally Bozba) is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and the capital of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi . The city is located on the island of Abu Dhabi , and extends to the land and surrounding islands. And the head of state and the prime minister and the embassies accredited to the UAE. It is also the seat of the ruler of Abu Dhabi and the Crown Prince and Chairman of the Executive Council . With the emirate's rich with oil, is currently trying to Abu Dhabi to diversify its economy with investments in both the economic sphere and the sphere of tourism, and includes the UAE in general and Abu Dhabi in particular higher proportion of wealthy in the world where the number has increased from 75 000 millionaires an increase rate of 8.8% and increase wealth Bmghader 16% per annum .  According to CNN and the measure 
of Fortune are the richest city in the world.


Beijing city

Beijing city

Beijing city history dates back to the period of "Western Zhou" Dynasty, and was known as "G". In the era of "Warring States", it became the capital of the most powerful of these Almmmalc: "Jan". Declining political role beyond, it remained an important city and commercial center in northern China for more than a thousand years. Since the beginning of the 10th century, it became the capital of a second strain "Liao" and became known as the "Yanjing".
Then regained its political leadership role when taken by successive families to rule the country -gen, Yuan, Ming and Cheng- its capital (years until 1115 and 1911), except for its political role culture has become the capital of Beijing, this period has left many of evidence. Like the Imperial Palace and adumbrate man in Beijing Zhoukoudian area, and the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and the thirteen tombs of the Ming Dynasty, UNESCO has incorporated all of these landmarks in the World Cultural Heritage List.
After the popular revolution in 1949, it was taken "Beijing" official capital of the "People's Republic of China." I took the renewal and development of the movement to flourish in the city since the eighties of the twentieth century, then increased the speed and pace of modernization, which showed the modern buildings, highways and other crossword. Today the city is trying to maintain its old features, at the same time show that modern features.

Bora Bora Island

Bora Bora

Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres (143 miles) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the centre of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 metres (2,385 feet).
Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were historically of economic importance for copra. According to a 2008 census, Bora Bora has a permanent population of 8,880.


Best places to visit in the United States

The United States of the most beautiful countries in the world, which travels to individuals of all countries in the world, whether to live or for tourism, and is a collection of the best cities in the world 
and the best sights diverse, and in this article some of the best places to visit in the United States .

Best places to visit in the United States:

 new york: and that includes a number of American icons, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and Times Square, and is the most populous city in America and the most popular, and also known as the "Big Apple", and is a New York City is a favorite destination visitors at the local and international levels.

 los angeles: and that is witnessing a large number of international celebrations, with light breezes in the faces of the Pacific Ocean and that makes Los Angeles one of the best tourist destinations in the United States, and there are a number of famous beaches such as Malibu or Santa Monica, in addition to fun shopping in Rodeo Drive and take a tour in Beverly Hills.

 chicago: Chicago has long been called the "Second City," where he occupies the second place after New York City, both in terms of size or population, and Chicago has the best restaurants, and shopping venues, and museums, and recreational activities.

Washington, DC wasghington dc: the capital of the United States and Washington, DC, and that the many museums and monuments, making it one of the most visited cities in the United States, and especially for families and school groups.

 las vegas: Most tourists go to Las Vegas, where it is a world-class shopping, and the first-class restaurants, and that makes this city a true oasis to enjoy, and are the top travel destination in the United States.

 san francisco: and you know this legendary city on San Francisco Bay to their neighborhoods, and San Francisco is the perfect city for nature lovers, and is also a great starting point for many trips.

 hawaii: America and is the destination of the natural beauty of the beaches to the rich culture of the South Pacific in Hawaii, and is the point of the United States ideal if you're looking for a real beauty.

 grand canyon: wonder geology of the incredible and that extends more than 200 km, the Grand Canyon carved by the Colorado River over thousands of years, and is located in Arizona's Grand Canyon, and is the first destination to visit in the southwestern United States, and is one of the The most popular destinations from the national parks in the United States.

 florida: and includes beautiful beaches and tourist attractions such as the family-friendly Disney World, and Latin culture, also known as the "Sunshine State", and is one of the most popular places in the United States for visitors.

 new orleons: is all about festivals, making it distinctly different, and is the destination among tourists from the United States and abroad, and has the Jazz Festival, and is one of the most respected groups in the world of jazz musicians

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Hawaiʻi is the name of several islands and are among the numerous Pacific Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, the islands which have significant tourism are: Hawaiʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, Kauaʻi, and Lānaʻi.
In 2003 alone, according to state government data, there were over 6.4 million visitors to the Hawaiian Islands with expenditures of over $10 billion.[1] Due to the mild year-round weather, tourist travel is popular throughout the year. The summer months and major holidays are the most popular times for outsiders to visit, however, especially when residents of the rest of the United States are looking to escape from cold, winter weather. The Japanese, with their economic and historical ties to Hawaii and the USA as well as relative geographical proximity, are also principal tourists.
2006 and 2007 saw a big increase in tourism, with over 7.6 million visitors each year



Hello us your You can spend happy times alwaysIs the second largest city on Lake Geneva, which combines a dynamic commercial town with the resort, which attracts visitors to enjoy spending the holiday fun. Lausanne is the capital of Canton, a city full of universities, which is based out of sports and cultural conferences in the Olympic capital. Cathedral dominates the old town as the most admired region of Switzerland in terms of Gothic architecture. Lausanne is a city was the parish for more than a thousand years.
Lausanne is located in the northern point of the Geneva "Lake Leman" Lake, which extends east of Lausanne, along Lake Geneva shores with grape-growing region Lavoe, which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage site, which is part of the Swiss Riviera, which extends to the Montreux and the eastern end of the lake. This area is known as La Côte, which extends west from Lausanne to Geneva and its capital neon. The northern region of Lausanne is the rural area, which extends up to Yverdon and Lake Neuchatel. You can find a number of good restaurants in Lausanne, in addition to the twenty Museum, including the Olympic Museum, dedicated to amateur architecture, which is concentrated in the upper part of the old town in Switzerland and the museu

The most important tourist sites in Venice

 Venice is a city of joy in a beautiful city with a lot of beautiful places and attractions for many visitors each year. But Taatmez the places most interesting in a Venice Marco de Santi church, and Ducale, the Modern Art Museum of Eastern Art. When you think of anyone in Venice, what draws attention is a list of areas of major tourist attractions in Venice, namely:
San Marco Square and Basilica di San Marco
Visitors accept them in the first place to visit in Venice, a San Marco Square and the Church of San Marco. You will find in the yard of St. Mark's Cathedral .oimkn be considered one of the best churches in Rome and it represents a great example of Byzantine architecture. Divided the exterior design of the basilica into three parts, the lower and upper domes.

Rialto Bridge
Rialto Bridge is also known to be the oldest bridge across the Grand Canal in Venice. Is split two San Marco and San Polo of the bridge. This bridge contains two ladders raised to enable large ships.

Grand Canal
Grand Canal is an area of ​​incredible nature in Venice. They are located at about 3800 m depth 16 feet. In the end she is one of the railway stations in the Santa Lucia and the other ends at the St. Mark's basin. Grand Canal reveal the many attractions in Venice on the length (including the Rialto Bridge), which is worth a visit. A lot of traffic movement of water existing in Venice and used this channel.

Gondola ride
Venice accept visitors to choose the gondola trip, this will cost about 50 to 60 euros per person, but the journey to the city is not complete without a gondola ride. This romantic ride for a period ranging between 30 to 40 minutes. This ride reveals all the different aspects of Venice

Ducale Palace
Ducale Palace is one of the oldest buildings in the city, erected in the mid-14th century Doge's residence, it features Gothic architecture model. In 1923, the palace has been converted into a museum Duke, with the presentation of a wide variety of antiques and hosting various art exhibitions. To do an internal tour and flying the giant stairs in the yard, and then visit the lavishly decorated apartment Doge and Senate hall. You will have a unique opportunity to walk through the Bridge of Sighs, the only bridge in Venice that are completely covered, where those who were forced to walk from court to prison.

Pasticceria Tonolo ... Golden House
Also known as the "Golden House", this magnificent palace on the Grand Canal is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and interface with beautiful flowers. He Arts Museum which houses statues of the Renaissance, as well as paintings by Titian and Guardi. You'll enjoy the opportunity to present the Grand Canal from the balconies of the palace.

St Mary's Church
Basilica di Santa Maria della, which was built after the spread of the deadly plague in Venice in 1630. This magnificent white church, which is one of the most beautiful sights of Venice and memorable. If you're looking for peace and quiet, you should pass on the church, which reflects the work of Titian and Tintoretto adorn the interior.

Venice has many amazing for visitors, places and attractions mentioned above are only a few of them, but these are great examples, especially money can be seen in Venice.

Hello us your You can spend happy times alway