Prague today

Prague has opened its doors to tourists and foreign visitors after the 1989 revolution where attracted their attention as a tourist destination crowded. Despite the attempt to the city to secure all it takes tourists but the fraud of some vendors and residents still exists where tourists may be exposed to theft or forced to pay more than Alhajh.olkn Prague trying as much as possible to make visitors happy through the establishment of a number of restaurants, shops, high-end in addition to providing all of the services that they need to listen to their visit.
The city of Prague carries a good reputation in the field of architecture Despite what came to him from wars and natural disasters, the buildings are still intact and designs of David my profile which is unique, and Choralla full of secrets and small cafes that offer the best food and drink offerings. Therefore, we recommend visiting this city to discover himself.

Once the foot visiting the land of Prague even accompany him history on a journey spanning a thousand years, is the age of the city, starting Bdqat time when the hour Orloa astronomical famous in the center of the capital, and pass the River Valtava which cleaves the city, ending at Castle historic presidency, which is not completed visit the country without a view . Tourism is a stunning scene in the Czech capital, "Prague", or "Praha" as he likes to call her family. The city chosen by the great Arab poet Mohammed Mehdi Jeweler exile optionally for thirty years, and immortalized in poems associated with the global political awareness of the so-called "Prague Spring" time in 1968. It also linked to Prague cultural, artistic and global awareness Balodepen Czechs famous Franz Kafka and Milan Kundera and global Mozart and some Fine and architects.
But at the same time you can not visit Prague, famous for the title of the city, "Bohemian crystal", where art is everywhere, without evoke the past and present to read, especially as they entered the globalization of a wider doors. I brandished this city since it was founded in the historic heart Buehima area the main center of the oldest monarchy in Bohemia and the seat of the kings and established them in the castle built by Baron Port Jifue year 880, which quickly turned the seat of the other kings of the state, and then of presidents and even to this day. The castle, which was formed and grew over the centuries, various architectural styles until it became the largest castles of Europe, and one of the most important tourist attractions in the city.
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