Tourist attractions in Berlin

Tourist attractions in Berlin

* Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor

Brandenburg Gate at Pariser Platz in the western side of the Unter de London

The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) of distinctive antiques much of Berlin, Germany, show the value of currencies Alaorwalolmanah (10 St. and 20 St. and 50 St.). Berlin, a city code, and the gate bearing the state of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin Mandate and is located in the Square Pariser name, began construction in 1788 and ended in 1791, but part of the crash in World War II and then rebuilt the shattered again.

* City Hall (Rotes Rathaus)
Located near Olexandrblatz Square (German: Alexanderplatz), and is characterized by a red brick Bmuammarh. The pre-existing building in front of him is Alneptunbronen (German: Neptunbrunnen), a legendary fountain is a spectacle.

* Eastern edge gallery (East Side Gallery)

Is an art gallery in the open air is drawn directly on the last remaining part of the Berlin Wall. Is the largest remaining evidence of the political division of the city, has recently been some restoration operations make it.

* Alreichstag building (Reichstag)

Is the traditional headquarters of the German Parliament, has been re-renovated in the fifties of the twentieth century after the severe damage caused by the aftermath of World War II. The architect Norman Foster (Norman Foster) to re-design in the nineties of the twentieth century, forming glass dome over the hearings area, which allows free public access to the parliamentary procedures and views of the exquisite beauty of the city. Alfdiralah ministry building is the most important buildings in the seat of government of modern construction. White building is part of the Des Bondes Band (German: Band des Bundes) that connects the new buildings together and creates a dialogue with Alreichtag architecturally historic German parliament building

* Harlutenbrg Palace (Schloss Charlottenburg)

Harlutenbrg Palace

Harlutenbrg Palace (German: Schloss Charlottenburg) is the largest palace in Berlin and the only building in the city, which dates back to the era of Alhohenzulirn family (German: Hohenzollern). Named after Besovi Harolt which became Queen of Prussia after marrying Frederick, one of the officials for the men built. Visitors can see the daily living of Frederick and Sophie Charlotte sections in addition to the stunning art collection dating back to the eighteenth century. The palace also features a brilliant internal Bength rooms and related exhibits and artifacts. Designed interior decoration which according to the typical Baroque and Rococo. It was the establishment of a large garden behind the palace decorated with lemon trees and fountains surrounded by woods; as many of the buildings building in the courtyard of the palace, including the Belvedere and the Mausoleum of the theater and the marquee. Palace was severely affected following the Second World War, but has re-Tremima later.

* 17th Street from June to June (Stra & szlig; e des 17. Juni)

Victory Column

Up 17th Street from June to June (in German: Stra & szlig; e des 17. Juni) Brandenburg Gate and Ernst-Reuter Square Platz (German: Ernst-Reuter-Platz). Named in commemoration of the revolution that has in East Berlin on June 17, 1953 AD. In the middle of the road from the Brandenburg Gate is located Algrossr Stern (German: Gro & szlig; er Stern), a circular island traffic is positioned by Victory Column (German: Siegess & auml; ule), was transferred monument that simulates victories Prussia from its previous location off Alreichstag in 1938- the year 1939.

* TV Tower (Fernsehturm)
Located in Olexandrblatz Square (German: Alexanderplatz) in the neighborhood Mite (German: Mitte), is the second tallest building in the European Union, a length of 368 meters. It was built in the year 1969, and can be seen from most areas in central Berlin. You can see the city from the height of 204 meters from the observation platform in the tower. Tower also houses a restaurant moving. From this point on Karl Marx Street heading toward the east, where the matrix is ​​serious historical buildings designed in a classical socialist style, which dates back to the era of Stalin (Stalin).

* Gindarminmarki (Gendarmenmarkt Square)

It is designed to talk in Berlin classic style which owes its name to the Napoleonic occupation Square. Surrounding these arena Katedraúatan possess a design similar to the two; the French Cathedral (German: Franz & ouml; sischer Dom) platform surveillance in the German Cathedral (German Cathedral); between those two Alkatdraúatin positioned Concert Hall (German: Konzerthaus), home to the Symphony Berlin Philharmonic.
