Is the Italian city of Pisa Cathedral bell tower, was supposed to be a tower vertically but began to tilt rod after construction began in August 1173 m shortly. Located next to the Cathedral of Pisa "Square miracles" piazza dei Miracoli.
Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy in Tuscany in the state, began construction in 1173 AD, and its construction lasted 199 years, known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the presence of Milan and its deviation from the vertical plane. Consists of eight floors built of white marble Roman-style, up 56.2 meters and has a built inside the walls staircase consists of 300 degrees, (currently equipped with a lift).
Tendency is clearly visible as is about 18 feet (tilt more than five degrees), and it is said that the reason for this inclination is looseness in the building and landing on the soil of the tower. This inclination emerged since the early stages of building the tower, but the architects have continued to build on the basis of the same inclination, and in 1275 AD, when they were building the fourth and fifth periodic reports of the tower tried Architects move the weight of the tower center to avoid Milan, but it seems they did not succeed, so, so now underway Attempts to stop the inclination and by establishing a dolly trusses. Since 1990, in the last century closed the tower to prevent tourists from climbing it fair to collapse at any moment. Height of the tower is 56.2 meters above the ground. Its mass is estimated at 14,500 tons. The current tendency is estimated at 5.5 degrees, and the tower 294 degrees.
Has been associated with the famous Leaning Tower of Italian Galileo Galilei Galileo in the world and experience on the ground to accelerate.
The establishment of the tower began in August 8, 1173 AD. After the construction of the third floor in 1178, Finance tower and stopped the construction work of the century. In 1272 AD, were an additional four-storey building with a view to modifying the angle of inclination. Business and stopped again in 1301. In 1372 another built decks and put the bell in the tower.
There is disagreement about the identity of the architect who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For years, the Bonanno Pisano is the architect who built, a well-known artist of the twelfth century of Pisa, famous bronze his works, especially in the Cathedral of Pisa. Construction of the tower, which start in 1174 by Bonanno Pisano, and was completed after a long pause at the hands of Giovanni Pisano was in the second half of the fourteenth century by Tommaso di Andrea Pisano.
Told that the Galileo Galilei dropped two balls (cannon) women with different blocks of the tower to demonstrate that their fall speed does not depend on Ktlhma. This story, although it is on the lips of a pupil of Galileo, is considered wrong broadly.
Benito Mussolini ordered that the tower be returned to the horizontal position, and was pouring cement foundations. The result was unexpected and made the tower dive more into the soil.
During World War II, the US military destroyed all the towers in Pisa almost, for fear of the possibility of snipers in the towers. The bombing of the Leaning Tower planned as well; but the decision came at the last minute to pull the tower saved from destruction.
On February 27, 1964, the Italian government asked for assistance to prevent the tower from falling. Was appointed a multilateral group of engineers, mathematicians and historians gathered at the Azores Islands to discuss how to install it. After several decades of research and work on the subject, has been closed the tower to visitors in January 1990. After a decade of correction and stabilization efforts have been re-open the doors to visitors on December 15, 2001. Many of the roads proposal to install the tower, including the addition of 800 metric tons of lead counterbalance compared to the high side or the base of the tower. The ultimate solution to correct inclination was removed 38 cubic meters of soil from under the high end of the base of the tower. The tower was declared "stable" for the next three hundred years at least. At least two people jumped from the tower using umbrellas (parachute) are Mike McCarthy in the August 5, 1988 and (Boston Globe on August 6, 1988) and Arne Arthus on February 1, 2000.